Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013: Blog Update: Outing on the Middle Provo River Tomorrow, the Delicate Hierarchy of River Shoes, and Fishing my Old Stomping Grounds in Washington the Following Week.

I'll be on the Middle Provo all day tomorrow and I am looking forward to observing a hatch or two--hopefully I'll get some excellent footage and some decent specimens to share on the blog. As I'll be MIA in the next few weeks, if you fish the Lower, Middle, or Upper Provo, a brief fishing report for the blog would be greatly appreciated! Feel free to email them, along with a short description of yourself to 

With the string of 100 degree plus days that we have experienced this week, I am looking forward to wet-wading and donning a pair of my river sneakers--that is if my wife hasn't thrown them all away. I tried to explain to my wife that my shoe collection features a fragile fraternity, where the condition of the shoe determines its practical hierarchy and certain pairs must be recognized as keystone species. For example, if one pair of shoes were to go missing, such as my back-up river shoes that are held together with two year old duct tape, my lawn shoes would be catapulted into an endangered species standing, as I would be forced to use these shoes if anything were to happen to my primary river shoes, or if I were to take a friend or family member fishing--as they would obviously need a pair of seasoned river shoes. It is not easy to preserve my shoe collection from being tossed aside, but I believe that I have made a strong case,  and my annual conservatory efforts will preserve the delicate order for years to come. If you sympathize with my struggles, I wear a size 10.5 and I'll be happy to take a pair or two of river worthy shoes off your hands--feel free to email me.

I am heading to Washington next week and I'm particularly looking forward to fishing the Muddy and Upper Lewis Rivers, Merril Lake, and the Swift Reservoir, which were all instrumental in my early angling development and are the backdrop to some of my favorite childhood memories. I'll have some great photos from Washington and if I'm lucky, the Deschutes River, for the blog when I get back.



  1. Brendan
    Hope you land some outstanding trout species, in the coming weeks. As for the shoes I have been there, it seems I collect more than I ever wear--all for outdoors. thank for sharing and good luck next week in Washington

  2. Well...any friend of Bill's is a friend of mine! Yes...the Provo. Planning a trip up myself...when it cools off in the early evening! Wow. Can't wait to head to Yellowstone and lower temps! I am not a shoe collector...just fly rods for me. : ) That's not a good thing...
